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Top 10 scenarios

when doctors need to


an Optomap scan and/or

dilate your pupils .

“This is my first time as a patient in your practice.”

“My glasses prescription is pretty strong.”

“I, or someone in my family, have vision-impacting health concerns: diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.”

“I am over the age of forty.”

“My last dilated eye examination was more than two years ago.”

“I’ve never had my eyes dilated.”

“I hit my head pretty hard recently.”

“I’m having unusual visual symptoms:  reduced vision, “floaters” or flashes of light.”




Retinal scans and/or dilation of pupils enable the doctor to view and evaluate the internal structures of your eye: 

  • lens,

  • vitreous,

  • central and peripheral retina,

  • blood vessels,

  • optic nerve,

  • macula and fovea.  


Our Doctors request that all of our patients have a digital retinal scan to establish a baseline for the current and ongoing assessment and management of the health of your eyes. 



  • a painless flash of light

  • no contact directly with the surface of your eye

  • child-friendly instrument

  • undilated pupils, usually

  • to view the scan during your discussion with your doctor



The scans become part of your health record to compare with future scans and to monitor disease progression.  Optomap scans typically do not require dilation.

Dilating your pupils, however, is sometimes necessary to further evaluate internal eye health or to achieve an adequate view.



​If your doctor recommends that your eyes be dilated in addition to the retinal scan, please be advised that you may experience blurred vision when reading and sensitivity to light for about four hours.  We have complimentary “sunglasses”.   

If necessary, dilation can be scheduled for a follow-up visit within 2 weeks. 


“I am a cancer survivor.”

“I trust my optometrist when he or she says I need to have it done.”

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